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This brief offered an exciting prospect with many possibilities. The aim was to create awareness for Solos, a brand with a niche offer in the travel market for independent travellers above 50 years of age. They have a variety of destinations and holiday activities, allowing more choice for their customers. This campaign was devised from four pieces of Advertising, including:a 48 sheet outdoor billboard, an Ad Shell poster, a Metro newspaper 'cover wrap' and one other element of my choosing. My concept centered around the headline 'See life differently. Go happy. Go solo'. This heading is suggesting that by going on holiday alone you might actually view the world differently as sometimes those around us can influence

our opinions and cloud our judgments. Visually, I aimed to make a variety of scenery look as if it was smiling to

reflect the 'Go happy' part of the slogan. I decided to place a magnifying glass over the happy area of the

images and put that area in focus, with the rest of the image blurred. I decided to do this to reflect how

people can view life from a different perspective if they stop and look at things in a different way. 


When deciding on which platform to use for the supporting media I ruled out social media, as I believed this platform would be more suited to a younger target audience. I decided to use the television platform as it allowed me to visualise the happy faces in a similar way to the print adverts. Also, there are plenty of channels that could stream the adverts so that there is a higher possibility that the campaign will be brought to the attention of the target audience, 


The advert would start with a woman looking through a photo album reminiscing about her holidays. The camera would then zoom in on the image taking you directly to that scene. Each scene will then start with the woman picking up some form of eye apparatus whether it is normal reading glasses or ski goggles. Then a happy face scenario will be seen through the goggles, which will be in focus and everything outside of the goggles will be blurry in order to match the style of the print adverts. The advert will finish with the campaign slogan "See life differently. Go happy. Go solo". There are plenty are situations within the storyboard and as I result I would be inclined to separate them into short 20 second adverts rather than one long advert as it may get a bit too repetitive. 


For example one scenario will show the woman putting on goggles right as she is about to skydive out of a plane. As she places the goggles onto her face the audience will see a birds eye view of a beach. The umbrellas combined with a mark in the sand will make the smiley face symbol. I have purposely used a variety of locations and activities in order to subliminally reflect the types of holidays that Solos offers. 



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